First Congregational Church
Whately, Massachusetts

Estey Pipe Organ Company, Brattleboro, Vermont, Opus 1263, 1914, 2 manuals, 8 ranks, Tubular-pneumatic action; partially restored – main chests releathered by John Wessel, Brattleboro, Vermont, 1993; complete releathering restoration of the coupler Tubular-pneumatic system by Messrs. Czelusniak et Dugal, Inc., Northampton, Massachusetts, completed in the spring of 2011

The pipe organ was a gift to the church in 1914, from Andrew Carnegie Foundation and replaced a two-manual Wm. A. Johnson tracker moved to its third home in the Congregational Church, Heath, Massachusetts, where it remains in service today.


GREAT3 stops3 ranks
1Open Diapason8'61pipes
SWELL4 stops4 ranks
6Flute d’Amour4'61
7Oboe (Labial)8'61
PEDAL1 stop1 rank
10Great to Pedal
11Swell to Pedal
12Great Unison Off
13Swell to Great
14Swell to Great 4'
15Swell to Great 16'
16Swell Unison Off
17Swell to Swell 4'
18Swell to Swell 16'
Fully pneumatic console, internal mechanisms, in the shop for releathering restoration.
The original Estey order card remains in the organ.